
Cyber Info is developing Cyber Courses, your cybersecurity career enablement platform. Check back soon and join our community for updates!

Cyber Courses v0.0.0

With the exponential growth in the digital landscape, cybersecurity threats have become a critical concern worldwide. However, there is a noticeable gap in easily accessible, centralized resources for individuals seeking to enhance their cybersecurity skills.

Cyber Info, committed to empowering your access to cybersecurity education, recognizes the need for a comprehensive platform that serves diverse learning needs and career paths in cybersecurity. This platform, named "Cyber Courses," will function as a hub for cybersecurity education, certification, and skill development, accessible to anyone wishing to forge or further a career in cybersecurity.

Our goals

  • Development of an online portal with user registration and profile management.
  • Aggregation and curation of educational content, including courses, videos, and articles.
  • Establishment of collaborative partnerships with educational institutions and certification vendors.
  • Incorporation of career path guidelines, pivoting guidelines, and mentorship programs.

Coming soon™